Supply Chain Solutions

Supply Chain Solutions Have Been at the Heart of Business Success

We at Goldie Group have been providing effective demand planning and SCM solutions that launch our customer and partners into success.

We utilize advanced analytics to help our partners predict the demand for a product or service so it can be produced and delivered most efficiently and to the satisfaction of customers.

About Our Solutions

  • Highly-accurate, best-in-class statistical program.
  • On-line and un-tethered collaboration.
  • Seamless forecast review and adjustment by product, customer, region or any other dimension

4PL vs. 3PL

Goldie Group provides both 3PL and 4PL solutions to its customers depending on the business requirements and how our intelligence can add value to our customer’s.

The terms 3PL and 4PL are often mixed up and some claim to be 4PL providers when in reality they are only 3PL service providers.

What is 4PL?

In layman terms, fourth-party logistics is a model in which manufacturers hand over their entire supply chain and related planning to a 4PL provider.

What is 3PL then?

The 3PL model is where the manufacturer retains the intelligence, planning and financials of supply chain but outsources the rudimentary processes like warehousing, shipping, packing, and distribution to a 3PL provider.

As a 3PL provider, Goldie Group will work with a mobile device manufacturer or a carrier for that matter by providing services like provisioning, packaging, kitting and storing the products as well as distribute them to retailers and customers.

But as a 4PL service provider to the same customer, Goldie Group will provide demand forecasting, CPFR strategies, stochastic modelling for supply, and much more intelligent software, technology and design solutions.

There are, of course, some other important differences between the two types of providers:

  • The pandemic set a lot of small businesses in disarray. They had to turn to 3PL service providers to manage their logistics whereas the medium-to-large enterprises continued to seek 4PL services as usual

  • 4PL companies provide optimisation and collaboration in CPFR strategies whereas 3PL providers focus primarily on operational functions

  • 4PL companies often contract 3PL providers to carry out logistics services for them.

  • 4PL providers allow companies to focus on their products instead of dealing with the complexities of their supply chain.

Our Services

Forecasting and Demand Planning

Conversion of the vendor demand plan into an executable process, resulting in an optimized inventory.

Inventory Management

Conversion of the vendor demand plan into an executable process, resulting in an optimized inventory.

IT Management

Conversion of the vendor demand plan into an executable process, resulting in an optimized inventory.

Learn More About Our Solutions or Get Started

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(978) 440-9800

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