About Us

Solutions for a Connected World

Since 1991, Electronics Renewal LLC DBA The Goldie Group has been helping turn ideas into reality – whether you’re buying or selling devices, deploying technology at scale, introducing new IoT solutions, exploring the frontier of technology. No matter what your vision is for your company, our devices/components, resources and amazing circular economy approach is designed to broaden access to innovative technology and make the road to a greater success in a short time. We’re here to help you start something. We provide “Solutions for a Connected World”.

Our Values

People First

Our people are the driving force that keep the lights turned on, and we value each other as a team and family, not just as individuals. We’re committed to supporting the personal and professional growth for our employees however we can. We are more than sure that you would be happy working with one big family!  We respect the fact that work is a means to an end but each Goldie Group employee is committed to the growth, cause and is aligned with the vision of the company.


We hold our values dear to our heart. It’s important to us that everyone at Goldie Group knows what we’re working towards – that means regular updates on company goals, progress, how each person fits into the plan and the one big family that we celebrate. We trust ourselves and each other to take responsibility for our contribution, while looking out for opportunities to roll up our sleeves to get the dirty job done. We literally stop at nothing to get things done for our customers!


We do our daily best to live by the Golden Rule, which means treating everyone we encounter with empathy and kindness. To us, this means a lot and therefore extends naturally to our work environment. We do our part to respect our excellent planet with comprehensive sustainability, environmentally recycling programs and safe waste disposal while we repurpose as much as we can to save the Planet from a little Lead and Mercury.

Our History




Established – First EOL inventory acquisition & resale


Begin manufacturing after-market Parts and Components


Only certified after-market products manufacturer for Alltel


Strategic Partnership in Canada


Repair services for products under warranty & insurance


Samsung ASP & authorized reseller for parts and handsets.


  • Acquisition of F/K/A Cellular Renewal
  • Acquisition of EZCell (ERP Platform)


100% Year-on-Year growth


  • LG Distributor & Out-of-Warranty (OOW) service provider
  • Master distributor for Sprint Products


  • Enterprise & Connected Devices
  • Acquisition of F/K/A Certicell LLC


  • Exclusive IoT distributor and MSP for Sprint
  • Doubled Nashville Warehouse capacity


  • Expansion into Education, Healthcare and Govt. Enterprises
  • Providing value-added services
  • Device Sales Begins – New, CPO and Graded
  • Real-Time Internet of Things (RTIoT) product offering


  • Provide 360 degree services that include Forward & Reverse logistics services, Device Recycling, EOL and New products, Device Harvesting.
  • Expand offerings in a Circular Economy by leveraging converging technologies and advanced distribution methodologies including predictive demand forecasts.

2020 and Beyond

Started providing Industrial IoT aka RTIoT (Real-Time Internet of Things) sensors, trackers, gateways and package solutions

Our Mantra for Success


We understand the technology challenges and pains our customers go through. Empathy with customers has always led to your growth. “We truly understand our customer needs, better than any other business partner


A classic statement made by Apple “A thousand No’s to a single Yes” and thats what we live, breathe and practice. Focus on what we do best and the single minded determination to deliver the best to our customers has always been a great cornerstone for Goldie Group family.


Presentation and connect makes all the difference“. People do judge a book by its cover. We may have the best products, services and people. If presented in a uninvolved manner, what we offer holds no value to anyone including ourselves. We strive to present all we do in the most creative and professional manner for people to Connect with our Focus and Empathy!

Focus on the user experience/voice and all else will follow

It’s best to do one thing really, really well than to do many things piecemeal

Fast is better than slow. But work smart not hard

The world is virtual and you can work from wherever you are, but with commitment

There is money to be made for all, ethically

Information is the new oil and there is plenty out there

Your attire don’t need to speak but your work

Great just isn’t good enough

Our Culture

It’s in our name – we’re here to set standards, The GOLD Standard in everything we do. In addition to the thrill we get from solving customer pain points with technology, we also meet with interesting people, hire amazing talent and many times do community lunches as well. We are one big family and we are proud of it. Running a successful enterprise with 100s’ of employees is no easy task. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Learn More About Our Solutions or Get Started

Call Us Today

(978) 440-9800

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