Goldie Group has decades of experience in the auction space and has enabled some of the top tier carriers and MVNOs in auctioning their products.

With the turn of technology and the simplification of digital channels, Goldie Group found the right opportunity to offer the carrioer partners a simple yet powerful platform to auction their products. Goldie Group Remarketing As a Service or GRaaS as its called is one of the home-grown solutions that offers a white-label platform to every auction owner. 

The simple yet powerful interface allows for effective listing of auctions, managing bids and declaring winners. What used to take hours and days now takes a few clicks. With real-time visibility to revenue, device, bidder and grade performance partners can now take good and quick decision on how to position their goods.

Why should you consider online auction platform services?

  • It’s a digital world and the way to succeed is to digitize all operations and provide digitally enabled services to your customers
  • Agnostic to market dynamics like current pandemic situations
  • Fair and Square to businesses of all magnitude
  • More Buyers – Because of conflicts, distance and individual item marketing, there is a much larger audience willing to participate in an online auction
  • Larger reach: Online auctions reach buyers from across the world. Online auctions provide the reach to find the right buyer for every single CPO offering
  • Convenience: Buyers can bid when and where they want and bid on multiple auctions in the same day. You can also run time-restricted auctions to provide equal opportunity to all
  • Exposure: Buyers can search and find items of interest because every item is cataloged
  • Instant engagement from marketing: Bidders can go from an email to bidding in 10 seconds, so they won’t forget about the auction unlike traditional digital marketing methods that take a longer turn around cycle
  • Longer bidding window: Online bidding can stay open for as long as you want. Longer bidding means more chances for bidders and a higher price for your products.
  • No moving: Items are catalogued, auctioned and fulfilled from your locations. Hence no heavy costs incurred in moving products from one warehouse to another. Direct shipping to customers!
  • Provide more details: Web platforms enable you to provide more details on the offering to your customer which is otherwise not possible
  • More throughput: Being in control of the digital platform, you can decide how many items to close in any amount of time
  • Less onsite activity: Provide appointment-based pick-up for bidders that reduces onsite activities and reduces hassles
  • Real-time Reports: Real-time movement of products and pricing increases can be viewed and analyzed through management dashboards and other reporting mechanisms.

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